I’ve been reading about golang for a while now, ever since it was announced by google. One of the downsides of my previous job was that we were totally focused […]
I’ve been reading about golang for a while now, ever since it was announced by google. One of the downsides of my previous job was that we were totally focused […]
Quante volte può capitare di sentir dire quella frase nell’arco di vita di uno sviluppatore. Spesso e volentieri ci si trova davanti a colleghi poco scafati o, peggio ancora, molto […]
Una suoneria per iPhone, l’originale provviene da questo video su Facebook. Scarica il file e aggiungilo tramite iTunes. Preview
fdupes pass on home NAS… check wordpress update… check two chapters on golang… check sleep…
fdupes sul NAS… fatto wordpress… fatto due capitoli su golang… fatto dormire…